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Placement Services
Gallery Ads Formats.

This placement service runs your message ads in small vignettes on the right side of many web pages on the Vibary Network for consumers. A Gallery ad can be in one of the text ads format or the pictorial ads format.

Text Ads
   TXTNORM    All-text format in 5 lines:
Headline: 30 chars max, blue underlined, bold.
Description: 70 chars max in 2 or 3 lines, black, small font.
Company: 30 chars max, green, right adjusted.
  Pictorial Ads  
   IMG    Single-picture format with:
Width: 120 pixels max (120 recommended)
Height: 100 pixels max (60 or 90 recommended)
Size: 50 Kbytes max
Alternate text: 70 chars max, visible only during mouse over
   IMGTEXT    Picture-and-caption format with:
Width: 100 pixels max
Height: 100 pixels max
Size: 50 kbytes max
Description: 70 chars max, small font, green, wrapped around picture

To order a Gallery ad, please refer to How To Order Placement Services.

If you need help in creating materials for your Gallery ad, please refer to our Studio Services.


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